Finally, it is

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Pain Pain , What is your gain ?

Recently, I got one dental surgery to remove two of my wisdom teeth. The first one was easy to remove but second one took more time and effort. They had given local anesthesia but it still gave great pain. (The applied location for local anesthesia is very important. If it is altered a bit, anesthetic effect becomes less). In fact, it was the worst pain I had ever felt. I was literally praying for the surgery to get completed soon. After the operation, I was little irritated and negative. Then I thought: let me know this pain…

Lord Buddha gave four noble truths to this world.
  1. There is suffering
  2. There is cause (origin) of suffering
  3. There is the end of suffering
  4. It is the Noble Eightfold Path, that is to say: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration , to end the suffering.
Suffering or pain plays very important role in one’s life.
What is pain ? Pain is an energy entrapped within which if not treated properly can harm the bearer. Every pain has the potential to transform the person carrying it. But how to transform ?

First and foremost thing is to be aware that there is pain. Sometimes, we are not even aware that we are in pain. When we feel it, look close about its origin. Don’t look at outside. Look inside. How it was created ? Who created it ? If somebody created it, it can not be my pain. Only I can create my pain. This is the first understanding.

When you become enough aware to find out the cause of pain, your horizon expands. Now, that you know the cause, know also that it can be ended by non other than you.

First, don’t let pain energy convert into negative energy. Most of the times, it is the case. We unconsciously become negative, frustrated, irritated with pain and tend to transmit this negativity to others. This can be avoided. Having moments of peace in spite of the pain is a great transformer because such time usually subsides the ego at least momentarily. Here, you resolve your pain energy into the expansion of your peace. You are in pain, but that is no longer a sufficient reason to loose your peace!! In fact, no reason is.

As jay says:

"A sleeping person is more likely to notice someone pinching him/her rather than vague noises in the room. Situations being perceived as problems indicate sleep.

The victory of the inner battle is to understand that it is pointless and that it’s the mind fighting from both sides. You are not even there. If we strip the situation of its specifics, it is just a collection of mind impulses. If we are not aware of how they operate, then we just give a programmed response (e.g. getting angry or irritated if our (mind's) needs are not met.)

if we can become aware, its a chance to explore a new dimension........a dimension free of mind's preconditioning.......a real beginning of choices.....

So it is not so crucial how a situation ends, but it is crucial how we are at the end of it.

After all, Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional."

So, what is your perspective of pain ?

- Uday


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